ON Wednesday, when the results for the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) came out, most medical aspirants in the state waited to check their fate with bated breath. This is because as per a new government ordinance, though admission to Maharashtra’s government medical and dental colleges will be done through the state common entrance test, all remaining seats will be filled through NEET.
Several students have thus already started preparing for NEET II, scheduled for July 24. And those with a poor score in MHT-CET are despondent as admissions to private medical colleges will be based upon what they score in NEET.
Amey Revdekar, a student from MG College of Science said, “The probability of me getting admission into a better college has definitely gone down as there is very less time left to prepare for NEET as the syllabus is huge.”
Fatema Hawa, whose daughter scored 178 in CET, said, “The government’s decision has saddened a lot of students. My daughter repeated a year because she wanted to get into MBBS. However, the pressure of taking NEET is too much, especially because the syllabus is different from that of the Maharashtra State Board.” She said that she has to push her daughter and motivate her to study hard and attend coaching classes.
Nidhi Patil who scored 177 in CET, said the decision to fill the remaining seats on the basis of NEET is wrong. The cut-off will increase because of this and as a result, classes are taking a lot of sessions to cover the NEET syllabus in very less time, she said.
Of the 6,205 seats in the state, only 2,810 are in government colleges. Admissions to these will be done through MHT-CET scores. The remaining 3,395 seats — 1,720 in private colleges and 1,675 in deemed colleges — will be filled through NEET scores.
Ankit Patel has scored a 171, but is not very happy either. “My chances of getting a government seat is very low. I am getting ready to take the NEET II.”
Another parents said the timing of imposing this examination upon students is wrong. She added that students should be given some more time for preparation and owing to this imposition few of her child’s friends have decided to give up their pursuit of becoming doctors.
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