Kejriwal said the hard working and diligent students missed out on opportunities for a quality medical education, as the students from affluent families got into through donations, which is the why the apex court’s ruling on the matter should not be challenged or questioned.
NEET row: Arvind Kejriwal urges PM Modi not to bring any ordinance to overturn SC order |
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him not to bring any order against the Supreme Court ruling on National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET), saying the students had welcomed the decision as it discouraged well endowed parents from making ‘donations’ to get their children admitted into reputed private medical colleges.
In the letter, Kejriwal said the hard working and diligent students missed out on opportunities for a quality medical education, as the students from affluent families got into through donations, which is the why the apex court’s ruling on the matter should not be challenged or questioned.
“It has come to my attention that reports are adrift that the Centre is making plans to overturn the decision by the Supreme Court and people have been tensed upon hearing this news. The people of the nation will be cheated if the Centre goes through with this decision. Just a few days ago, Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda called a meeting over the issue, where almost all health ministers opposed NEET, except Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain,” the letter stated.
Kejriwal added it is also being said that many politicians are running their own private medical colleges, in which some institutions are indulging in the practice of accepting large donations, which is why they were vehemently against the NEET examinations. “It is my humble request to you to ensure that no orders are brought against the Supreme Court ruling in the matter, otherwise people will think that the Centre stand with those who garner black money,” Kejriwal said. Meanwhile, the Union Cabinet is expected to clear an ordinance or an executive order to defer the implementation of NEET. The decision to issue an ordinance was taken in the aftermath of several meetings between Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda and state health ministers to discuss the issue. The meeting was convened after several parliamentarians opposed the common medical entrance test, saying the NEET has created confusion among the students who have already applied for the state entrance exams.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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